PIE FROM SFAKIA (Cretan region)


1 kg of flour
100ml of oil + extra oil for the frying process
100ml of raki alcoholic drink
1 teaspoon of salt
As much lukewarm water as it is needed
1 kg of myzithra cheese



In a pan, we mix the flour, oil, raki, salt and water and we knead until a soft dough is made. We cover it well and let it rest for about 1 hour. We make balls with myzithra cheese in the size of an egg. We cut the dough into respective sized balls, we press them gently with our palm to make chunks of dough and we close each mizithra cheese ball in each dough. In this way we will make some "pouches", which we put on a paper napkin. We press each pouch by using the hand  that has been created to open and leave it for 10 minutes. We press it again, slowly, so that we open a delicious pie. We bake the pies for 1 minute on each side in a non-stick pan with one tablespoon of oil each of them and we serve them warm, covered with honey.